Jack Jeanne, a new game conceived by Tokyo Ghoul's Ishida Sui, has released a new trailer confirming its key casting!
Six members of cast have been confirmed so far: Kondou Takayuki as Takahina Sarafumi, Kasama Jun as Musumi Kai, Kishio Daisuke as Neji Kokuto, Kajiwara Gakuto as Shirota Mitsuki, Uchida Yuma as Orimaki Suzu, and Satou Gen as Yonaga Soushirou.
Jack Jeanne is a collaboration between Ishida and Broccoli and will be released for the Nintendo Switch. The story follows Tachibana Kisa, a girl attending the prestigious male-only Univers Opera School, where the students play both male and female parts, or "Jacks" and "Jeannes." There, she must conceal her secret while fighting her way to the top - in other words, the lead role in the last play of the year.
Jack Jeanne will arrive on the Nintendo Switch in 2020.
(C) Sui Ishida/BROCCOLI